Friday, 19 March 2010

Friday 19th March 2010

Friday 19th March 2010

This day we had another group meeting with our fellow peers, and discussed more Ideas. We then decided to note down every Idea for all of our main concepts.

Remixing vedios and sounds from the daily grid on the workplace to replace with the fun and bright images of helping people due to my 10 days.

Project Images onto office blocks
Show people what they are missing-what they can do to help

My 10 days-10 things you can do before you die-linked in
Do something you really want to do and combine it with helping people
Get out of mundane
Leave work for a fresh start
Get to do stuff you really want to do
Help people instead


Swimming with Dolphins
Great Wall etc......

Viral Video

Do what you want, raise money for charity and GET PAID!

One tree - linking to logo-
Adam + Eve =Temptation...but GOOD

Boxes hanging from tree
(10 reasons for leaving work for 10 days)

Put in Office space - Fenchurch street?
- Trafalgar square?
- Embankment?

Signs Saying 'Pick Me'
People see it on their lunch break
Pick up info and then tell people about it

Make reactions to it via a viral video for facebook/youtube etc

1 seed 1000 routes
branch out etc......

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